
What we do

Your safety is our number one priority. We want to tell you about some of the things we do to keep you safe on event day.

    • We use Open Tracking trackers. They're waterproof, lightweight and are updated at least once a minute to provide reliable, live tracking and timing.

    • There's also an SOS button you can use to alert us in case of an emergency.

    • The trackers are provided by the UK leading tracking solution for sporting events and shouldn't let you down. We've got spares just in case.

    • Your crew and supporters can track your progress and a link will be provided in advance of the event taking place.

    • Mel will be at registration all day and will be “dot watching” throughout. If you do go wrong and Mel thinks you need assistance then you’ll get a phone call and guided back on course.

  • JHFAS will be present for the duration as a first aid responder to deal with any incident. You'll probably see JHFAS in their support vehicle at registration, or at a checkpoint.

    • There will be a first aid kit at every checkpoint for those minor mishaps.

    • We’ll make sure there’s a first aid kit at registration too.

    • Given the length of the route, road crossings cannot be avoided. Please take care when crossing roads and do not take any unnecessary risks.

    • Where possible, we will position a checkpoint or marshal immediately before significant road crossings.

    • We will also add signage on major roads in both directions to warn drivers.

What you can do

We’ve listed practical things you can do to prepare yourself before and during the event.

    • If you need to retire, then please call us on 07807 920015 as soon as possible. You will then be asked to make your way to the nearest checkpoint, or place with road access.

    • We will pick you up and take you to registration if you do not have crew or support available. Regardless, you must return to registration to hand in your tracker.

    • The Countryside code is a standard set of guidelines for members of the public using the countryside. Please familiarise yourself with the Countryside code.


    • Please make sure you close all gates to keep cattle safe, unless there's someone immediately behind you.


    • Please do not drop litter, even if it is a fruit skin. Foreign objects can be harmful to the natural habitat and animals.

    • We recommend downloading what3words on to your mobile phone and saving it on to your home screen.

    • Test it in advance of our event so that you are familiar with how it works.

    Download what3Words

    • You may encounter livestock in some fields. Be vigilant, especially upon entering a field, or where you cannot see the whole field. Try to stay away from them and be aware of their movements.

    • It’s especially important to be sympathetic to cows rearing their young and give them space.


    • Try to avoid getting between cows and their calves.

    • Be prepared for cattle to react to your presence.

    • Move quickly and quietly, and if possible, walk around the herd.


    • Don’t panic or run. Most cattle will stop before they reach you. If they follow, just walk on quietly.

    • Don’t put yourself at risk. If needed, find another way around the cattle and rejoin the footpath as soon as possible. You will not be penalised for taking an alternative route.

    • Our events go through trail in the countryside, so you may encounter crop fields, long grasses and weeds.

    • If you are are sensitive to these then please take precaution, e.g. wear tights or long socks.

    • The British Heart Foundation provide free training that can be accessed through your mobile or tablet that teaches you how to perform CPR, plus how to use a defibrillator.

    • We don't like to think about these things, but the truth is it can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone. Please spend just 10 minutes of your time to better prepare yourself should you find yourself in a situation where someone on the trails - or in everyday life - needs your help.

    Access the free training material

We use the UK’s Leading Live GPS Tracking solution

We recommend downloading what3words on to your mobile phone and saving it on to your home screen.